
Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

I like strawberries

I really like this one really fruit, sweet and sour taste that makes your mouth feel fresh hhihi and turns the fruit that I like her a lot of benefits. I know that many of the benefits of this fruit of the books I read, I'd like to add fruit to consume this starwberry. yummmyy 

Here are the benefits of eating a strawberry:
1. Teeth Whitening Strawberry also has its own power to whiten your teeth. Mash strawberries, then by using a finger, stick to the teeth and allow for one or two minutes. After that brush with a toothbrush thoroughly. To avoid the appearance of yellow color on the tooth, you should use a straw when drinking tea, coffee, or coca-cola. Guaranteed drinks will not touch your teeth. 

2. Anti Cancer Vitamin A is contained in this fruit, can help prevent the formation of free radicals, vitamin C to maintain the reaction hazard in the cells, vitamin E, ellagic acid cans will be on duty to protect Binding Bari cell damage by free radicals. Ellagic acid will help stifle the active work of cancer cells. 

3. Anti Aging The fruit is a symbol of love also has concentrations of seven anti-oxidants which is higher than other fruits or vegetables, so the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body by free radicals. Because the content of vitamin BI, B2, C and provitamin A in strawberries can smooth the skin and make skin color a brighter, cleaner and to prevent teriadinya pengeriputan on the skin. 

4. Skin tightening Strawberries are eaten regularly can tighten, refine, and make the colors brighter and cleaner skin. In addition to regularly consume not hurt you to try the recipe 'homemade' this strawberry scrub for your skin is more 'sleek'. Prepare 3 pieces of fresh strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar, I give a little water. Then blenderlah all ingredients until smooth earlier. Strawberries will make your skin smooth and fragrant, honey believed to contain more vitamin E, baking soda will help clean the skin, seclangkan grain sugar which will work like a scrub that will help mengangkattumpukan Bel-Bel math skin on your skin. 

5. Overcoming the Heat In It turned out to enjoy the strawberry juice to eliminate the heat inside. Well, here are recipes that you can juice Strawberry cobs at home. For the ingredients you need to prepare 5 pieces of fresh strawberries, washed and cut into pieces, 100 cc of soy bean milk, sugar to taste, 8 pieces of ice cubes. Then mix all ingredients, then blend smooth, serve immediately in a cold state. Um, yammie not it? You know, besides it tastes good and can cope with the heat in, if you regularly eat strawberry juice in this recipe turned out the other properties like to refresh your body, increase creativity, meet the needs Vit.0 in the body. 

6. Prevent Leukemia Strawberry fruit also has a very good therapeutic effect for prevention of leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in it, "strawberry amine" clan "tanae acid,, has the effect of growth and curb the occurrence of malignant tumors.

:: well ! not a lot of benefits.
hopefully after reading my this post, you would like strawberries hhihi

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Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

I like strawberries

I really like this one really fruit, sweet and sour taste that makes your mouth feel fresh hhihi and turns the fruit that I like her a lot of benefits. I know that many of the benefits of this fruit of the books I read, I'd like to add fruit to consume this starwberry. yummmyy 

Here are the benefits of eating a strawberry:
1. Teeth Whitening Strawberry also has its own power to whiten your teeth. Mash strawberries, then by using a finger, stick to the teeth and allow for one or two minutes. After that brush with a toothbrush thoroughly. To avoid the appearance of yellow color on the tooth, you should use a straw when drinking tea, coffee, or coca-cola. Guaranteed drinks will not touch your teeth. 

2. Anti Cancer Vitamin A is contained in this fruit, can help prevent the formation of free radicals, vitamin C to maintain the reaction hazard in the cells, vitamin E, ellagic acid cans will be on duty to protect Binding Bari cell damage by free radicals. Ellagic acid will help stifle the active work of cancer cells. 

3. Anti Aging The fruit is a symbol of love also has concentrations of seven anti-oxidants which is higher than other fruits or vegetables, so the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body by free radicals. Because the content of vitamin BI, B2, C and provitamin A in strawberries can smooth the skin and make skin color a brighter, cleaner and to prevent teriadinya pengeriputan on the skin. 

4. Skin tightening Strawberries are eaten regularly can tighten, refine, and make the colors brighter and cleaner skin. In addition to regularly consume not hurt you to try the recipe 'homemade' this strawberry scrub for your skin is more 'sleek'. Prepare 3 pieces of fresh strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar, I give a little water. Then blenderlah all ingredients until smooth earlier. Strawberries will make your skin smooth and fragrant, honey believed to contain more vitamin E, baking soda will help clean the skin, seclangkan grain sugar which will work like a scrub that will help mengangkattumpukan Bel-Bel math skin on your skin. 

5. Overcoming the Heat In It turned out to enjoy the strawberry juice to eliminate the heat inside. Well, here are recipes that you can juice Strawberry cobs at home. For the ingredients you need to prepare 5 pieces of fresh strawberries, washed and cut into pieces, 100 cc of soy bean milk, sugar to taste, 8 pieces of ice cubes. Then mix all ingredients, then blend smooth, serve immediately in a cold state. Um, yammie not it? You know, besides it tastes good and can cope with the heat in, if you regularly eat strawberry juice in this recipe turned out the other properties like to refresh your body, increase creativity, meet the needs Vit.0 in the body. 

6. Prevent Leukemia Strawberry fruit also has a very good therapeutic effect for prevention of leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in it, "strawberry amine" clan "tanae acid,, has the effect of growth and curb the occurrence of malignant tumors.

:: well ! not a lot of benefits.
hopefully after reading my this post, you would like strawberries hhihi

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